University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona

Arizona/Los Alamos Days

2-3 February 2001


The 20th Annual Arizona/Los Alamos Days Workshop will be held in Tuscon Arizona by the University of Arizona on February 2-3, 2001. The purpose of these informal conferences is to maintain regular contact between the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Arizona and to present highlights of current research at both research institutions.

The workshop will also be the occasion to hold a party for Professor Alwyn Scott who retires this year.

Organizers: Stéphane Lafortune, Andre Lehovich, Regan Murray, Daniel Tartakovsky

[CNLS] [LANL] [Applied Math Department] [U of A]

Last Updated: 18 January 2001
The above picture represents the space-time (space is vertical and time is horizontal) motion of a unstable periodic orbit of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Motivated by low-dimensional chaos theory, unstable periodic orbits represent a recent attempt to gain insights to spatiotemporal chaos and weak-turbulence.